Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Has anyone else worried about bonding with an adopted child?

Shortly after we took Mimi home from the hospital someone said to me, "You can't even remember life without her, can you?" and I laughed and told them that of course I could!  How could nine years of just the two of us fade away after a month or two of dirty diapers, crying, and mid-night feedings?  As I reflected on the question and my response, I began to realize that what they were talking about was the "instant bond" that mothers seem to feel toward their children only minutes after giving birth which seems to change the way a new mother looks at everything.  I began to wonder if it was because Mimi was adopted that I didn't feel that bond, although I'd heard some adoptive parents say they'd felt it right after having their child placed into their arms.  But as much as I loved my little girl and knew that she was mine the moment that I saw her, I didn't feel "the bond".  It worried me a little, but I was busy with a new little baby, and honestly didn't have much time to even think about it, except to re-evaluate periodically and see if I felt that way yet.  No one told me that the feeling can grow from the simple love that you begin with, but because of our adoption situation, I had complete faith that having her in our family was right and that the feeling would eventually come.  And I was right!

Mimi is now 2 years old and just a few weeks ago during a diaper change as we sat giggling together over something silly, I had this overwhelming feeling of rightness come over me that being her mom was what I was always meant to do.  And it was then that I realized that the bond that I'd longed for had been growing inside of me as she grew.  And I couldn't imagine my life without her. As I thought about that feeling over the next few days, I realized that I had gotten to the point that even though I could remember those nine years, that they were fuzzy compared to the last two- even with dirty diapers, sickness, tantrums and all.  That's not to say that I don't have moments of wishing for a little peace and quiet, but I'm grateful for the small, simple joys that occur in random ways every day.


RaeAnn said...

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing those thoughts. As an adoption worker I talk about that lots with clients, and I think it is great to say, some people feel this right away and some don't. You know, like with biological chilren :). I think people are afraid to say anything contrary to perfection, and saying helps the MAJORITY of people who's experiences are 'perfection with a twist'. I loved this post...

Rachel Doyle said...

As the mother of biological children I can honestly tell you that I haven't always experienced that instant bond with my children. When my little Brynn was born - I thought I would be all emotional etc- but really I just looked at her and was like umm --well now can I get some sleep. Anyhow I guess what I am trying to say is that regardless how children come about - everyone has to bond and get to know each other at their own pace.

Keri said...

I always feel better after reading one of your posts. It's that 'keeping it real' style of yours that makes us regular gals feel like it's alright to be ourselves and more importantly, to be non-apologetic for our feelings and emotions. Fabulous!

Jon & Kim said...

I remeber telling my sister I was affraid I wouldn't bond with a child that was not biologically conected to me. She then told me that she had a hard time bonding with her second little girl that she gave birth to and that if it was hard to bond that it wasn't just because of the fact my child was adopted. This brought peace to my heart and I knew it would all be okay. Needless to say I fell in love with Cade the second I held him. I still get tears thinking about that first night I spent holding him thanking the Lord for this great blessing. BUT I did get the post adoption blues! This is where you are happy for you, sad for a grieving Birth Mother, sleep deprived, and feeling guilty that you should be the happiest person alive and you are not!! This was a hard time for me but as Cade's Birth Mother healed and I grew closer to Cade it got better. It is just a hard thing to go through and just takes time. TIME heals everything!
I loved your post! You never know who you might help.......

Rebecca said...

I talked about this a little bit in a previous post. Thanks for re-itering, these special sprits are all yours (even during diaper changes:)
Great post!

Rebecca said...

I talked about this a little bit in a previous post. Thanks for re-itering, these special sprits are all yours (even during diaper changes:)
Great post!