Thursday, February 25, 2010

.2nd beta.

so the results of the "real" 2nd beta is 26. i guess i really am pregnant. thanks for all the support ladies. but don't worry, i will never forget the heartache and can always be a listening ear. good luck everyone with everything you're doing..keep us updated.



Tamara ViAnn said...


Ash I've been reading your posts over the past few days but haven't had a chance to post yet. I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! I'm hoping that this is just the beginning of a happy and healthy nine months for you. What grade of embryo's did you end up having?

Hillary said...

That is so great! Do they do any more betas, or do you just wait for an ultrasound now?

{owens} said...

well, tamara, we had 4 out of 10 mautre eggs, and 3 of those fertilized. we had 2 grade 2 that were 8 cells each. we had a day 3 transfer since the 3rd embryo was only 6 cells. im not sure yet if that one made it to freeze. initially i was so sad since out of 10 we only got 3 embryos. but i'm so happy that we had at least one "good one." hoping it sticks.

hil- i am waiting to talk to amy, the nurse, and usually they just schedule a 6 wk scan, but with my #s being somewhat on the lower side they may have me repeat in a couple days. i have really really loved my experience with this office. i'm actually a little sad i may not go back for a few years. we'll see. kinda sucks we paid so much for the 3, but i'm not complaining. no wonder they do that outcome based plan, because i guess they know they're good enough to not lose money on the deal. dr. f really made bank on think one.

Tamara ViAnn said...

I'm so glad to hear that you liked their office! Better be for all that work to travel down there. When you have time I'd love to see you post your review of the different offices you've been to and what they are like. We were so close to going down to SIRM before well, the miracle of all miracles happened.

The outcome based plan lets you try again if no live birth right? Thanks for the updates and keep them coming!

Jon & Kim said...

YYYYEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! Finally some freaking GREAT news! I think this giving so many people the hope they have needed. We will be keeping you in our prayers and please keep us posted on your progress. Isn't it amazing how in one second your life can be changed upside down and everything you have gone through feels like a blure!! Enjoy ever second of the happiness you feel right now you deserve it!!! SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!

{owens} said...

thanks so much guys! i can't believe how supportive everyone is, it's like a family! kim, thanks, i'll try and update but don't want the others still trying to get sad. i know i would.. but i'll leave important stuff that happens on here.

tamara- it sounds like you had some good news happen?? get pregnant? adopt? congrats! yes, the outcome based plan will allow you do up to 3 in a 12 month period (along with any fets) and until you take home a live baby, you don't pay. if you don't end up pregnant by the end of the 3rd, you get a portion of your money back. it was a good fit for us with 2 previous failed cycles, but did NOT expect it to work first time. dr. f did even say, "you know, it may take a few tries to tweek your protocol, but i know we can get you better eggs" so he was always optimistic.

if you want, i can email you my experience with all the drs i've worked with and what i liked and didn't like.

anyway, i'm so grateful for all you guys!

{owens} said...

oops, that sounded wrong about paying for the outcome based plan. you pay about $20,000 up front but if you don't take home a live baby you get some money back. as soon as you take home the baby, the plan is fulfilled.

Hillary said...

As someone who's had a failed cycle, on some level it's always hard when another whom you felt like really "got" you and your situation finally gets to move on. But when it's someone like you, who's had her own share of heartache and who truly deserves this, there is far more happiness and excitement for you than anything else! I hope you keep updating us with your progress and how it all goes!

Keri said...

Congratulations! I hope your pregnancy is wonderful in every way (including the morning sickness! Gotta soak it all up right?)

The only thing better than this would be twins! :O)

Tamara ViAnn said...

Ash-I posted an update in Kim's post that she made a few days ago.

Chris & Stephanie said...

I am so excited for you... That is the most exciting news. Keep us posted on everything please