Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Test.....

Sorry for so many posts. My cousin had me listen to this song and i have searched high and low for the lyrics or a video or something because this song talks about faith in your trials, i listen to it over and over again. I love it!! Her is a little tidbit, if you can download it and listen to it i promise you wont be disappointed!!

~Tell me friend, I see your trials,Why doesn't He who worked the miracles send solace to his child?
Tell me friend, if you understand,Why doesn't He with pow'r to raise the dead just make you whole again?
It would be so easy for Him. I watch you and in sorrow question why?
Then you, my friend, in perfect faith reply:
Didn't He say He sent us to be tested? Didn't He say the way would not be sure? But didn't He say we could live with Him forevermore, well and whole if we but patiently endure?
After the trial we will be blessed, but this life is the test.


gabeandstef said...

I remember singing this song in YW back in my day it is a great song and never realized till now how much it applies to my life so much now. I needed the reminder thanks

Jon & Kim said...

So where can we find this song????

Sherydon said...

This song is written by Janice Kapp Perry, Roger Hoffman signs it. The cd that i have is Janice Kapp Perry's Greatest hits volume 1, but you can get on limewire, itunes, ilike or go to Janice Kapp and you can download the song there!!