Wednesday, February 18, 2009

.my hsg results.

i need your opinion ladies..

i had my hsg this morning and the test itself wasn't too bad. yes, some cramping, but tolerable. anyway, i'm kinda wondering what my results mean. i had my test done in the outpatient radiology dept by a PA..and so i don't have the official results. anyway, the pa was having a very hard time getting my right tube "open." yes, it did finally show dye as did the left tube but he said he used 13 ml of dye and the "normal" open hsg he usually uses 6 ml. maybe i'm being neurotic about this, but doesn't that seem like that may have been the problem??

i guess the good news is both my tubes are open and no apparent uterine abnormalities were found. but i'm thinking now maybe we should just "try" naturally for the next 3 months since maybe the problem is fixed.

what do you think?? still go to my RE appt in the next couple weeks, or wait and see what happens.

thanks, ash


Hillary said...

Hi Ashley,

If I were you, I'd still go to my RE appointment. Your RE can give you more detailed, in-depth answers about your HSG. Plus, at least the way it worked with my RE, once you've had your first appointment you become an official patient, which really cuts down on the waiting time for other appointments (I had to wait 6 weeks to get in for our initial appointment).

Looking at your HSG, your hubby's SA, and any other tests you've done will give your RE a better idea how to help you. Although it's taken me forever to arrive at this point, I'm a firm believer that it's better to proactive with this stuff than to wait and see. But that's just me, so if you feel like you'd rather wait, it couldn't hurt.

RaeAnn said...

Welcome to the "what do we do next" decision making process. It all goes down to your sense of urgency and making a plan. It helped me to say, I can do this on my own for six months, and if it doesn't happen, then it probably won't. That helped get me through six months AND had me look forward to IUIs. It is true that a lot of time that dye can open things up and help, but your left tube was good all along and it didn't happen, right? So does it discourage you to think of waiting? If yes, don't. If not, do!

Beck said...

If it were me, I would still go to the RE appointment. The doctor is better capable of interpreting the results than a PA, and he might have more insight as to what's going on when he can see the whole picture.

Whatever you decide, good luck!

Jon & Kim said...

I would deffinatly still go to your RE apt. The more you are doing the better. If that was problem GREAT! If not you already have your foot in the door for other testing. I remember them telling me that lots of women get preg. after the HSG. We will keep our fingers crossed. How great would that be!!!!!

Keri said...

Hey Ashley,

I had a great OB many moons ago (no pun intended) that told me a lot of women who have partial blockage in on or both tubes can actually benefit from the HSG because in those cases, the dye alone can potentially correct a minor problem.

I agree that the RE is still the way to go, but nothing wrong with testing out the theory during ovulation in the mean time. Best of Luck!

Sara said...

My sister-in-law's sister got pregant the following month after her HSG but when I asked my doctor about it (because the same thing happened at mine) she said that sometimes the tubes freak out and close during the procedure and that the closing and then opening might not be an indication that that was truly the problem with your infertility.