Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I hadn't really planned on posting. I'm not really in that "place" right now where I'm struggling or even thinking about our infertility. You know that wonderful place where you have your baby and you feel like everyone else for awhile? You get to be the mom you always wanted to be. I'm in that place times 2!! But for some reason I kept thinking I needed to. I don't even know what I want to say.

I'm one of those girls I used to secretly hate a little bit. I was able to get pregnant on our second try of in vitro. We adopted our first boy Parker, did our first round of in vitro got pregnant but had a very painful miscarriage, put our papers in again, did one more unexpected round got pregnant, and then got picked from a birth mom. Our babies are 4 1/2 months apart. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done. It is also the best thing I have ever done.

I think the reason I can write this way is I am at that awesome point in my life where we could be done having kids and I would be fine. I just want to say I am so thankful for our struggles. I am so thankful that we got to adopt. I am so thankful for the lessons it has taught me. I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us. It is so hard when you are going through the struggles, but I love to look back and see what has come from all of these trials. I also want to say that as grateful as I was to experience pregnancy and giving birth-it does not matter. I have a testimony that I was meant to be my boys mom. It does not matter that I didn't carry them. I cherish the way each child came to our family. I am a mom. That is all I ever wanted to be.

Kim, this is a great idea! I think every girl needs a place to be able to share. I have had a fun time tagging along with this group. Everyone has been so nice to me. I hope to get to know more of you better. I hope something I said can be of a support the way you guys have been to me!


Keri said...

Thanks Shannon, I really like that you have had the experience of both adopting and giving birth, and feel that both are of equal significance. I really don't yearn for pregnancy (or stretch marks necessarily), just the easiest way to bring another baby into our family. I bet your life is B-U-S-Y with two children so close in age. I can hardly wait until I get to the point where I feel completely at peace with the size of my family because I think that the whole 'infertility' thing will be something that I endured, as in past tense! I have also though that having a miscarriage, or continuous miscarriages would be much worse for me than never getting pregnant to begin with. I know that everyone has different feelings regarding the matter, but I think you're a trooper!

Jon & Kim said...

My dad always said "you get what you ask for"!!!! Your kids are so adorable. Even though we would love to be in your situation having two kids so close together comes with its own trials. Every one would say "oh youll adopt and two months later wind up pregnant". Thats not what I was askin for. How about 4 kids each 2-3 years apart....that would be great thanks! So glad you shared your thoughts.

P.S. Thanks for being such a great support to me durring our IVF it helped me more than you will know.

gabeandstef said...

Shannon Thank you so much for you post I love the part where you say it doesnt matter how they come to your family they are meant to be I have sturggled with that wondering if i could love a child we adopt as much as my first but really i just want to be a mom no matter how it works out

Addie said...

Thanks for sharing! And welcome to the sisterhood! I enjoyed hearing your perspective and experiences. Continue enjoying your wonderful family! love - addie